Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Reflections: Looking Forward

So far this semester has been pretty hectic for me.  I work full time and this is my only class, so I am pretty removed from school.  I have also been out of town for work quite often, which has made it difficult at times to remember to keep up with my work.  I think moving forward my main focus is on switching up my schedule.  I have been notorious for waiting til the last minute and doing my assignments at the end of the day when I'm exhausted in bed and wanting to go to sleep.   I want to make myself switch to a weekend plan of finishing the week's assignments during the weekend, at least for the most part.  I think this would reduce a lot of stress and allow me to not have to worry about doing my work after a long day of work.  I think this plan should help me be much more successful, and possibly even allow me to get ahead.  In the next few weeks I hope to get the chance to work ahead so I can maybe even finish the course a little bit early.  I definitely feel more comfortable writing and have found myself getting a little more creative, so I am excited to see what my writing is like by the end of the semester! My main motivation right now is finishing this class with an A and becoming an official OU graduate. 

Graduation (Flickr)

1 comment:

  1. Hi Taylor,
    I know what exactly you meant by changing up the schedule. That is what happened to me too. It made me miss a lot of points, but thank goodness for extra credit! I decided to finish up a lot of my work on the weekend before the week started, I am still struggling with keeping up with it, but this way, hopefully, I won’t miss as many points as before.
